- 23 April 2017
- Kwong Tung Cemetery
- Flagged off at 5.30am
for 21km, 6.50am for 5km and 7a.m for 10km runners.
- My category – 10 km
- Price – RM35 per
runner for early bird and RM95 for normal rate
- Race Pack – Blue t-shirt
and registration bib
- Goodies – Medal and
arrived at the car park around 6.30am as it was so jammed heading to the Kwong
Tung cemetery parking. Also, the roads were already closed as the 21km runners
already flagged off at 5.30am. Luckily, we were asked to park at the funeral
Funeral parlour open for parking |
organiser conducted everything in Mandarin so there was no way for us to know
what was going on. I had to ask someone to tell me what to do, i.e. where is the
check-in and is it time for the 10km runners to be on standby. We were flagged
off at 7am.
we ran towards the road and then head towards the Kwong Tung cemetery. I didn’t
know that the cemetery was so big and is still expanding. It was not an easy run
as it had a lot of uphill and when it comes to downhills, there was no way to run down
quickly as the paths were uneven. Also, we are running with lots of
inexperienced secondary school runners, who tended to walk, talk and form a
horizontal line, which made it difficult to overtake them.
were 3 water stations for 10 km runners, serving mineral water and 100+ isotonic
drinks. No portable toilets were prepared along our cemetery run.
arrival at the finishing line, we were given our medals and we took our buns. We
helped ourselves to more 100+ isotonic drinks. There was also Milo, Indocafe coffee and Nestle breakfast cereal but the cereal had already finished when I arrived.